It gave me a snow day! ;-)
My husband and I spent the night at our in-laws (he has Sunday night soccer games in the area), and helped out with cars and shuttling people around all day Monday. So, that was most of my Monday.
Not too much was accomplished, really, other than me making some awesome CU scarves! I'll hopefully have some photos, and maybe an Etsy post up before the end of the week.
Do you have a favorite college sports team that you want to cheer on with your wardrobe? I'd love to make a scarf for you that does just that! Check out my Etsy shop, or send me an email through my profile page.
Here is my delayed Thankful List, day 5.
- Time on the weekend to relax with my husband.
- Playing in the snow with my husband.
- The way snow looks like glitter when it's blown off of the roof.
- Email.
- The way email lets me keep up with friends' lives even when they are traveling all over the world.
- Rice packs that can be heated in the microwave to make my feet (somewhat) warm, like normal people.
- The person who discovered that epsom salts help relax sore and tired muscles.
- Bubbles.
- ITunes now letting you rent movies (Blockbuster's disappearance can make that hard).
- Comedies, and the way they make days seem more enjoyable.
i miss you, jess! love reading your thankful lists :)