© Jessica Van Eaton 2011 |
. . . how would you finish this sentence?
If you managed to not miss my picture, you should know my answer:
awesome snow!
My husband and I got up this morning, looked out of our living room window (it's more of a sliding glass door, really), and saw a world covered in inches of snow! What a fun surprise!
I was completely not expecting snow, especially considering I have done a horrible job of checking the weather on a regular basis. I was also not expecting a phone call from my sister-in-law (my husband's wonderful sister) and a half-hour of random conversation and catching up! It was a wonderful morning, and I couldn't help but think of my wonderful list as everything was happening. :-)
So, the continuation of my Thankful List is here!
(for clarification, these numbers should start at 21)
- Living in beautiful, relaxing Boulder, Colorado.
- The winter wonderland that the morning brought.
- Telephones.
- Surprise (happy) phone calls from loved ones.
- The people who read my posts. ;-)
- The people who read (and respond to) my facebook posts. :-)
- A working heater in my home.
- My husband's crazy awesome skills that fixed our heater.
- Humane societies and animal shelters.
- People who are kind enough to let me volunteer at the humane society. (I get to work with dogs!)
I am not sure if I will be waiting until after the holidays to start my volunteering, but I am already excited to share stories and photos with everyone!
What is your weather like today? Why do you enjoy it? (and if you aren't enjoying your weather today, can you find one good thing that it has caused?)
I'm so jealous you have snow, Jessica! I don't think we'll get any snow here in Paris before I leave (it's still in the 40's and 50's here) so consider yourself lucky!